Is anyone else disappointed with the 1st edition (new) of Bible 4? I wasn't totally satified with the previous edition, but this one is not very "student-friendly." Why is it mostly just fill in the blanks? There are almost no, what I would term "fun" activities, for the students to do. Does anyone else feel the same way?
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i agree that the Pathway of Promise Grade 4 is written for well above the average 4th grade students abilities. The students that are absent can't complete the work independently even with a Bible at hand. This is very frustrating as a teacher. I preferred the Bible Truths activity pages. The Pathway of Promise has some very good doctrine and I get the scope and sequence plan but it is obvious that the writers never taught average students or unchurched students as I do. It is a real let down for a new edition.
We are sorry to hear about your disappointment with these new editions. I would love to get more feedback from you about your thoughts on Bible 4-6. What's working, what's not working. If you'd like to discuss your concerns, please email me at research@bjupress.com. Thank you!
Jennifer Donovan, Director of Research at BJU Press
i agree, the 5th grade one is even worse than the 4th grade.
I'm having the same issue with the 6th grade new edition. Totally NOT written for 11-12 year old students. It seems as if someone that had never been a teacher before wrote it. I'm sending it back and going to the Bible Truths again. Sadly.