I use Quilzet a lot. My secondary Science Quizlets can be found by searching CoachPeterHuber on Quizlet.
I do primarily Quizlet Live, but I also use the Learn and Flashcard feature. I upgraded to the Teacher account, so some of these options may not be available to everyone.
- As we review a chapter, I'll give an assignment to spend 10-15 minutes working on either Learn or Flashcards. I click on the Class Progress feature and can see which students have completed the assignment. I usually give classwork points for their Quilet work.
- I also use the Test feature on Quizlet. I tell my class to click on the test button, go to options in the lower left corner, uncheck everything except multiple choice, limit the questions to 10, and make sure "answer with term" is selected. They create this test and take it four times. Each time, they write down their score on a sheet of paper.
- When I do Quizlet Live, I have two types of rounds. I play "silent" or "collaborate". For silent, they sit at their desk and can't make any noise (grunting, sighing, etc), they can only stare at their cards and hope the other people on their team click the right card. For collaborate rounds, they can move around and work together with their team. I also do a few rounds of the pick your own team option. When it comes to shuffling the teams, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
My students enjoy using Quizlet as well. We have played Quizlet Live as a review prior to tests or other assessments. I have seen many students become more confident with the terms/definitions for the chapters we study. I have used this resource mainly for my Earth Science students (labeled as ES8 on Quizlet). Mine can be found by searching for Jennilyn_Small.
We use Quizlet a lot--we especially love to play Quizlet Live. It's very simple to invite students to my Quizlet class page via Google Classroom, and it's also really simple to push specific flashcard sets to them via Google Classroom. I'm happy to share the two flashcard sets I use for 7th grade literature class. Here is a link to a flashcard set with 50 of the literature terms for the grade 7 textbook: https://quizlet.com/_2gnul5. Here is a link to a flashcard set with 29 terms related to our poetry studies in grade 7 literature: https://quizlet.com/_390z4v.
I love Quizlet! I can share review materials to my Google Classroom easily! With a simple "copy/paste" from my digital lesson files (and a tad bit of adjusting), I can take my class through a chapter review game or just some review at the beginning of the hour. My students can review on thier own before a test in several different ways - from "learn" to "gravity" games, and they can adjust how they would like to answer - written, matching, flashcards.