I read the response from BJU about not including them any longer. Why? There are no odds listed in the back of the 7th grade math book. So students don't have any solutions for homework amd teachers have to harder. :/
I also miss the projection ready answers. I have compromised by projecting the PDF of the TE. It is not an ideal solution because it is harder to read. The simplicity of the black text was much easier to bring into proper focus even if my board is not perfectly clean.
I have also missed having these!
Hi, Vanesa and Edna: Thank you for your question. The projection-ready answers are not available for the newest Math editions. Of course the answers are available in the TE, but they will no longer be available in a separate answer file. Thank you for letting us know your interest in those!
I asked the same question. It would be very helpful to have the projection-ready answers like the previous edition. I usually hae the students check their homework so we don't need to use class time to correct them. Also, since I teach 4 different math levels, I do not want to correct their homework. BJUpress, please consider having these available!