I'll use both depending on the needs of my class. Sometimes the students need tactile manipulation to understand the concept that is being taught or practiced. My math flow is review, new lesson (tactile &/or electronic, depending on student needs & prep), worksheet (whole class or small groups depending on needs), math centers (or while I meet with small groups). I always like to give hands on "play" with what they're learning. It doesn't always happen, but it helps reinforce and corrects misconceptions.
I think it depends on what electronic resources you have available in your classroom. I have a large smart TV and the display is the same size as the poster and it is still at the front of the room. Plus, I don't have to get it out every time I want to reference it once we're on to the next concept. I am a minilmalist, so I don't keep all the posters up in my room at the same time.