October 20, 201729:39 read Briefing Paper: a publication of the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities NICHCY Pervasive Developmental Disorders by Luke Y. Tsai., M.D. Every year the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) receives thousands of requests for information about the diagnosis, educational programming,... Read more...
October 20, 20174:25 read Responding to Behaviors Caused by Attention Deficit Disorders When the student: Try: Experiences difficulty in following a plan (has high aspirations, but lacks follow-through); sets out to get straight A’s, ends up with F’s... Read more...
October 20, 20177:13 read Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) NICHCY Disability Fact Sheet Mario’s Story Mario is 10 years old. When he was 7, his family learned he had AD/HD. At the time, he was driving everyone crazy. At school, he couldn’t stay in his seat... Read more...
October 20, 20178:32 read Social Media In the old days, if you liked Guyanan postage stamps of the 1850s, you tried to find someone in your town who was also interested in the same thing so that you could share... Read more...
October 20, 201713:01 read Kids These Days: Why They Think Differently and What We Should Do About It There has always been a generation gap. Perhaps Socrates really did describe the youth of his day with these words: “The children now . . . have bad manners, contempt for... Read more...
October 19, 20179:17 read How to Assess Your Teaching Quality Vocation. It means “calling.” Everybody knows that. Americans use the term all the time for their profession, their job. But to most Americans, the word has lost its... Read more...
October 19, 20179:01 read Helping Students Know How to Do the Right Thing The formula is the same every time. Some adolescent commits a horrible crime, and observers wring their hands. They condemn the parents—or parent—and the influence of... Read more...
October 19, 20174:55 read The Top 5 Things Every Teacher Ought to Teach Every Student in Every Subject I teach college. Every semester I get a new crop of students—actually, several crops of students, one in each class. I have goals and objectives for each course and plenty of... Read more...